Winds of Change

Starting to blow by as events continue at their feverish pace. Two midterms down and undergraduate will soon be a memory. I was watching the kudzu along the side of Ocala street that engulfs the trees, remembering how it was the first thing I ever noticed in this city upon my initial visit, it seemsContinue reading “Winds of Change”

As the world turns/burns

Lately it almost seems like my decisions are being made for me. After a long weekend of debauchery intermingled with glimpses of possible futures it seems like Tampa is where my compass points to next. Interviews have never been a problem for me ever since I began overcompensating insecurity with arrogance, and feelings of superiority.Continue reading “As the world turns/burns”

As the world turns/burns

Lately it almost seems like my decisions are being made for me. After a long weekend of debauchery intermingled with glimpses of possible futures it seems like Tampa is where my compass points to next. Interviews have never been a problem for me ever since I began overcompensating insecurity with arrogance, and feelings of superiority.Continue reading “As the world turns/burns”

Those who choose to remain nameless

So this happens every so often, someone stumbles on my blog and decides to comment without leaving their name and critiques me harshly. First off, let me say I am glad that you found your way here, my thoughts entertaining, and yet I am sad that you, whomever you are, disliked them. I think thatContinue reading “Those who choose to remain nameless”

Those who choose to remain nameless

So this happens every so often, someone stumbles on my blog and decides to comment without leaving their name and critiques me harshly. First off, let me say I am glad that you found your way here, my thoughts entertaining, and yet I am sad that you, whomever you are, disliked them. I think thatContinue reading “Those who choose to remain nameless”


In the eyes of empire builders men are not men but instruments”Napoleon Bonaparte Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future.Dale E. Turner


In the eyes of empire builders men are not men but instruments”Napoleon Bonaparte Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future.Dale E. Turner